District Probolinggo Government Apply Social Distancing

KRAKSAAN - As an effort to prevent the spread of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19), the Regent of Probolinggo Hj. P. Tantriana Sari, SE applies social distancing or acts of maintaining distance during social interactions. The implementation of social distancing can be seen in the activities of the special coordination meeting (Rakorsus) for the prevention and acceleration of the handling of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) through the optimization of health services at the posyandu in the meeting room of the Tengger Office of Probolinggo Regent Office, Wednesday (3/18/2020).

On this occasion, the participant's seat was set with a distance of about 1 meter. So that between participants and other participants there is a fairly wide distance than before. The application of social distancing is also done while in the elevator. 

Usually the elevator contains up to 10 people, this time only containing 6 (six) people. Each of them keeps a distance of about 1 meter. Not only that, before entering the Probolinggo Regent's Office, the participants were also given a hand sanitizer and followed body temperature measurements. As can be seen at the time, the Regent of Tantri went up to the 4th floor using an elevator with 5 (five) other people. 

Namely, Deputy Regent of Probolinggo Drs. HA. Timbul Prihanjoko is on the right front side, Probolinggo Regional Secretary H. Soeparwiyono is on the front left side. While the Regent of Tantri is in the middle of the front. While on the back side is the Head of BPBD Executive Anggit Hermanuadi on the right side, Assistant Government and Kesra Tutug Edi Utomo in the middle and the Head of the Regional Financial Agency Dewi Korina left. Each does not face each other. 

The Regent of Tantri said that social distancing is a method recommended by public health experts to slow the spread of disease that is transmitted from person to person. "Social distancing is one of the elaborations of a circular so that we avoid crowds of people. At least with this social distancing we can keep our distance from each other so that the virus cannot spread from one person to another, "he said. (*)

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